Bytes and Bikes

This is Steve Oxley’s website. Welcome! Go to About to learn more about me. The latest posts from my microblog are listed below.

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I’ve always had issues with hamstring and lower black flexibility. Even as a kid I couldn’t touch my toes with my knees locked and performed poorly on that part of physical fitness tests. In my 30s it became a problem when I pulled both hamstrings one summer playing softball.

Since then, I’ve been better about regular stretching and flexibility exercises (I even got to where I could touch my toes with my knees locked once!) but I still have issues with injury now and then. For example, I did three cycling workouts last week, and yesterday I was literally just walking around and felt like my left hamstring was about to give out.

So I’ve decided today that I’m going to start taking this flexibility thing seriously. My new goal is to get to where I can put my palms fully on the ground with my legs together and knees locked. I’m not even sure what will work for me, but I’m going to start with daily stretching of some sort. The first two routines I’m trying are:

Wish me luck!

Me trying and failing to reach my toes - inches away!
2024-10-20 09:02:15 -0700 PDT

Well I made it fit. I had to manually push it to get it at the right angle so the door would close, but my 1 year old daughter was helping me so it wasn’t too bad 😂

Our boat in the garage with a snowblower and snow plow in the foreground

2024-10-17 06:39:17 -0700 PDT

I love how Mastodon does link shortening using ellipses. LinkedIn is the worst - you can’t tell where you’re going until you click on it. And at least X gives you a choice not to shorten at all… For example:

Screenshot of mastodon ellipses

LinkedIn screenshot with shortened URLs

2024-10-16 12:43:43 -0700 PDT

I recently open sourced a project at work with some colleagues. It’s a bot for reminding teammates of code awaiting review. I wrote more about it here - check it out 😁

2024-10-15 13:06:37 -0700 PDT