Release It Book Club
Release It Book Club Chapter 1 War Story
What’s the hairiest or most expensive production bug you’ve had to fix?
#ReleaseItBookClub #ReleaseItBookClubChapter1
Release It Book Preface Discussion 2
The preface of Release It! states, “If anybody has to go home for the day because your software stops working then this book is for you.” Do you work on something with that level of criticality? What do you work on that might be helped by the advice in this book?
#ReleaseItBookClubPreface #ReleaseItBookClub
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Release It Book Preface Discussion 1
What are you hoping to learn from Release It!? What are you hoping to get out of the book club?
#ReleaseItBookClubPreface #ReleaseItBookClub
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. Based on the title, I thought it would be about Continuous Delivery, deployment strategies, etc. Maybe it will touch on those topics, but it seems to be much more focused on the design of robust software in production. So now I am hoping that this book will help me espouse these principles of robustness in my own work and throughout my company. Similarly, for the book club I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts and experiences on the content of the book to see how it could be applied in different contexts, and hopefully receive some inspiration for applying it in my context.
Release It Book Club Starts Next Week
#ReleaseItBookClub starts next week! You can obtain your copy (use discount code stevenoxley at and start reading. I’ll start posting discussion questions next week using tag #ReleaseItBookClub and tag pattern #ReleaseItBookClubChapterN so you can read and discuss at your own pace. See you there!
Release It! Book Club Discount
I have news! You can use the discount code stevenoxley
to get a 40% discount on Release It! Second Edition by Michael T. Nygard - making it that much easier to join the async book club that I’m starting here in February.
Release It! Async Book Club
I’m starting an async book club for the book Release It! Second Edition by Michael T. Nygard and you’re invited to join! You can sign up here to register your interest and (hopefully) get a discount on the book: Or go ahead and buy the book now (I already have mine). I plan to start reading and posting discussion questions at the beginning of February. I’m looking forward to it, and feel free to spread the word - all are welcome!