Bytes and Bikes



I’ve been listening to the book Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. I’m a few chapters in, but I’m already finding the book very informative and thought provoking.

Gawande paints a compelling picture of what it means to grow old in our society and how old age has changed in recent history. Living over the age of 70 used to be a fairly uncommon achievement, but with modern medical advancements, it is almost commonplace. That fact has many implications for how the elderly are treated, and how they want to live in their twilight years.

New Habits

This blog is ancient, but let’s start a new habit with it. Let’s publish something. Every day. It doesn’t have to be on the blog, but writing is one of the easier things I can do. I also have a bunch of videos on my harddrive that I could edit and upload to YouTube. I just want to be creating something that I can point to every day.

I am actually a bit surprised that I was able to get the tooling for this blog back up and running after all these years. All it took was installing rbenv, an old version of Ruby - 1.9.3 - and an old version of bundler - 1.0.14 - and then everything worked. I hope to get a new site up before too long. I’ve started working on it here, but as you can see it has stalled. It’s hard to find time for things like that with a baby!