Bytes and Bikes

This is Steve Oxley’s website. Welcome! Go to About to learn more about me. The latest posts from my microblog are listed below.

Microblog feed

Well I made it fit. I had to manually push it to get it at the right angle so the door would close, but my 1 year old daughter was helping me so it wasn’t too bad 😂

Our boat in the garage with a snowblower and snow plow in the foreground

2024-10-17 06:39:17 -0700 PDT

I love how Mastodon does link shortening using ellipses. LinkedIn is the worst - you can’t tell where you’re going until you click on it. And at least X gives you a choice not to shorten at all… For example:

Screenshot of mastodon ellipses

LinkedIn screenshot with shortened URLs

2024-10-16 12:43:43 -0700 PDT

I recently open sourced a project at work with some colleagues. It’s a bot for reminding teammates of code awaiting review. I wrote more about it here - check it out 😁

2024-10-15 13:06:37 -0700 PDT